The Gift of Home Tour is Colorado's longest running Christmas Home Tour since 1966. This year is the fourth year that the tour will be hosted by Habitat for Humanity of the St. Vrain Valley as our signature fundraiser.
From 1966 through 2015, the Longmont Christmas Home Tour was lovingly operated by United Church of Christ Longmont as a fundraiser for various Longmont charities. Between 2016-2019, Longmont Meals on Wheels, a former recipient of funds raised via the event, became the event host. In 2020, LMOW decided to move in a new direction. Habitat was generously offered this beloved historic holiday event and we graciously accepted!
Throughout the years, the tour has evolved and changed. Early in the event history, homeowners kindly opened their homes to the community, but the homes were not always decorated for the holidays. Today, homes are sponsored and professionally decorated. The beautiful décor can be purchased at the home and picked up once the tour is complete. Guests can also visit the vendor's storefront and purchase their favorites there. Because each home is decorated by a different professional team from different stores, the items available for purchase and the way to purchase them will be different at each home. This makes the event fun and special, and unique at each locale.
Proceeds will benefit Habitat for Humanity of the St. Vrain Valley. Habitat is dedicated to providing decent, affordable housing for low-income working families in the St. Vrain Valley School District and Estes Park. Since 1988, Habitat has partnered with hardworking families to build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter. At Habitat, we are honored to be hosting this wonderful community tradition that Longmontians have grown to love!
The Gift of Home Tour has always required many volunteers to make the event successful. Please consider joining the volunteer team for this beautiful holiday one-of-kind experience. Learn more about the volunteer experience and join our volunteer interest list.
Habitat's 2023 Tour
Habitat's 2022 Tour
Habitat's 2021 Tour

2019 Tour